
Rotary Harvesting Unit

  • 3 m (10 ft.) pick-up features special auger flights that go all the way to the middle
  • Designed to be compatible with all 8000 Series and 9000 Series SPFH models


Fast-turning saw blades cut all kinds of crop

The saw blades of John Deere rotary crop headers cut quickly and thoroughly at a high speed of rotation. As the fast-turning blades cut the full width, crops can be harvested regardless of the row spacing. Thanks to this row-independent harvesting technology, the field can be worked from any side, which is particularly important for down crop.


The fast-turning saw blades allow crops with a lot of weeds to be harvested easily. Besides maize, a wide range of crops such as sorghum, whole crop silage, oilseed, canola, pampas grass, and miscanthus can be harvested.



Saw blades with changeable segmentsSaw blades with changeable segments
  • Fast turning saw blades can cut in difficult harvesting conditions to give the operator increased uptime.
  • Headers can be used in various stemmed crops and there is no need for extra headers, which saves on the cost of operation.

Intake fingers and gatherer drums for secure crop guidance

Intake fingers push every plant into the gatherer drumIntake fingers push every plant into the gatherer drum
Plant pushed into the gatherer drumPlant pushed into the gatherer drum

After the fast-rotating blades cut the crop, the intake fingers push the plants into the gatherer drums that rotate in the same direction at low speeds. Every plant is pushed into the teeth of the gatherer drum. The specially designed shape of the teeth ensures that both small and large plants are conveyed in a secure way.


In the machine, the plants are taken off the back of the gatherer drum by scrapers. Depending on the width of the header, they are forwarded to the cross-feed drums or immediately fed into the angled feed drums in the middle of the machine.



  • Every plant is individually and securely pushed into the gatherer drum.

Reinforced divider points

Reinforced divider pointsReinforced divider points

Round steel welded in the point results in more wearing surface.

  • 460plus (eight row) – four racks
  • 475plus (10 row) – four racks
  • 490plus (12 row) – six racks



  • Longer lifetime of the divider point intake fingers

Optional heavy- duty wear package

Heavy-duty wear packageHeavy-duty wear package
Rotor blade tips (top) and rotor blade top (bottom)Rotor blade tips (top) and rotor blade top (bottom)
Skid shoesSkid shoes
Wear platesWear plates

A heavy-duty wear package is available for eight-, 10-, and 12-row large drum headers. It provides longer lifetime of wear parts and durability that is at least two times the service life of standard parts.


This package is extremely helpful when cutting under abrasive conditions such as sandy soils or when cutting short stubble.

Advanced Header Control (AHC) sensors

AHC sensors on the headerAHC sensors on the header

The AHC sensors are located at the two outermost points from the header. The sensors continuously scan the ground and quickly adjust the height and inclination of the attachment. This quick adjustment guarantees a constant stubble height. 


The AHC sensors are optional equipment for eight- and 10-row machines.

Third header height sensor

Third height sensor on the headerThird height sensor on the header

For eight- and 10-row machines, the third sensor is optional equipment. The third sensor is only available in combination with the RowSense™ system as it is installed in the central RowSense pointer.


The two-sensor Advanced Header Control (AHC) does a good job in most conditions. The optional third sensor is needed in extremely uneven terrain or on wide headers.

Lengthwise feeding for optimal chopping quality

Lengthwise feeding provides an even cutLengthwise feeding provides an even cut
Bundled, lengthwise feeding toward the feed rollsBundled, lengthwise feeding toward the feed rolls

The header bundles the harvested crop perfectly and feeds it to the chopping unit of the self-propelled forage harvester (SPFH) lengthwise for an even cut. Only even, lengthwise feeding allows for the full use of the power installed on the SPFH.

Even chopping of the cropEven chopping of the crop


  • Bundling of lengthwise stalks is the basis for perfect chopping quality.