The C500 Center-Pivot Mower-Conditioner from John Deere offers you the widest cut in the lineup. The 5-m (16.4-ft) wide platform is the center-pivot equivalent of the commercial-grade 500R Windrower Platform. The C500 is built to withstand the needs of custom operators and producers covering high acres in a season.
Cut more acres per season or cut the same acres in less time. The C500 improves productivity, helping you harvest more crop while the conditions are right.
Achieving the right conditioning action can significantly reduce dry down time. That means less time needed to cure, maintaining optimum feed values, and preventing leaf loss in legumes. Hay and forage producers have a wide variety of crops and conditions. That’s why John Deere mower-conditioners offer four different conditioners.
Conditioner types include:
John Deere's patented design cutterbar is made from individual, diagonal-cut modules, making serviceability easy. Each module can be removed for service individually, leaving the remaining cutterbar modules attached to the frame.
Because John Deere is confident in the reliability, every mower conditioner includes a 5-year warranty on cutterbar components. This gives you peace of mind knowing that if you do experience a warrantable failure, your machine is backed through your experienced, local John Deere dealer.
Each cutting disk is attached to a shearhub (driver) on the splined pinion gear. Power to the disk is interrupted when the driver shears to protect the internal components of the cutterbar. Damage is limited to exposed components and does not require disassembly of the cutting modules.
The gauge shoe setting determines the height of the crop stubble, but also prevents the majority of the cutterbar from being in constant contact with abrasive soils and rocks. The S250, S300, S350, C300, C350, and C400 have three height adjustments on the gauge shoe. The C450 and C500 come from the factory with six adjustments. Through service attachments, gauge shoe extensions are available to increase the number of adjustments if there is a need for higher stubble height.
An advantage John Deere has over most competitors is that the mower-conditioners will transport directly behind the tractor at the same width as its cut. Operators can transition from road to field configuration and back again quickly and easily.
Side-pull models (S250, S300, and S350) have the tongue positioned in the center of the frame and drivelines that enter from the top to improve transport width.
The C450 also has provisions to allow end-wise transport if you already have a dedicated transport cart. After backing the machine onto the cart and securing it, the tongue can be positioned parallel with the cutting head, allowing it to be towed by the tractor at under 2.8 m (9.2 ft).