For additional resources, information, and support, visit the John Deere Help Documentation.
Software update for Gen 4 and G5 displays. No further development is being done for GreenStar 3 or GreenStar 2 displays. Both StarFire 3000 and StarFire 6000 receivers require a mandatory update prior to 31st of January, 2021. For more information on the current software available, contact the AFGRI Connect Support at +61 485 864 048 or email today.
The AFGRI Precision Ag Support Centre (08) 6274 2424 is available to help guide you through the processes described below.
Software for GreenStarTM 3 and GreenStarTM 2 displays can be updated in the following way:
Software for Generation 4 displays.
Over the air reprogramming of Gen 4 displays is also possible. Provided there is adequate mobile coverage customers can update the software from the cab of their machines. A video of how to use over the air updating can be found at
Receiver update videos are available at for SF6000 receivers and at for SF3000 receivers.
An easy to follow introduction to John Deere’s Precision Ag offering and how you as a farmer can move along the path of PA implementation is available at You’ve Got What It Takes | John Deere Australia
Full playlist available at YouTube at following link - Operations Center Web & JD Link - How To...
When more than one machine, performing the same operation, is working in a paddock, In Field Data Sharing (IFDS) can be used to collect data consistently through sharing setup information.
Find out more at the following link: In Field Data Sharing - Best Practice Guide