With IBC, the boom is very precise and easy to operate: the operator controls the boom tip directly instead of controlling independent boom joint movements. Left mini lever controls the horizontal movement of the grapple.
Vertical movement
The right mini lever controls the vertical movement of the grapple.
Electrical cylinder end damping
The IBC system features electrical end damping for all the main boom movement directions. The system dampens the cylinder end movements softly and stops strong blow-like loads in the end positions.
IBC controls intelligently the use of extension in different stages, which makes work much easier giving the operator more time to plan the next move.
The boom is very accurate and steady even with longest reaches.
End damping
The end damping stops the blow-like loads of the cylinder ends and the operator does not need to watch for boom positions. Work is more fluent and the boom structures and hydraulic cylinders last longer.
When the harvester head is driven to the tree, it moves automatically to the cutting height. After the cutting, when the boom is drawn in, the harvester head moves automatically to the processing height.
Slope mode
The boom tip automatically follows the desired trajectory. The slope mode adjusts the trajectory for working on a slope.